Chortoq SUV


Chortoq SUV is crystal clear water with a unique taste and many beneficial properties. Two types of mineral water (carbonated and non-carbonated) enable the consumer to choose the favorite taste.


Artesian water (from Artesium, the Latin name for the French province of Artois) is one of the Earth’s oldest natural resources. The sources of this purest mineral water formed naturally, deeply underground as a result of centuries-old shifts in the earth’s crust. The thickness of the earth creates excess pressure, enabling access to water without any pumping equipment.

Mineral composition

The taste and healing properties of drinking water depend on the ratio and concentration of minerals.The natural mineralization of this water is 0.26 grams per liter, complying with state drinking water standards. Since the mineral content does not exceed permissible standards, the water is safe for daily consumption by all family members.


Properties of water

Extracted from artesian wells, Chortoq Suv table water has natural beneficial properties to naturally support the health of the body. A special water ultra-purification system enables to keep it in almost pristine condition. Due to the optimal balance of minerals in the water, it is recommended for regular consumption by all age groups of the population.

pH 7.8 (acid-base balance indicator)

Chortoq Suv water is slightly alkaline with pH of 7.8. This water keeps balance the acid-base environment in the human body and prevents the development of many diseases. Drinking mineral water with a pH of 7.5-8 maintains a neutral environment in the body and has a positive effect as strengthening the immune system, stabilising blood pressure, increasing the reserves of various functional systems, served as the basis for the primary prevention of somatic diseases.

For partners

Due to the pursuit of high quality standards, Chortoq Mineral Water confidently occupies a leading position in the market of mineral waters, expanding its market share and strengthening its reputation as a reliable producer.

Over the past 6 years, Chortoq has managed to create a culture of consumption of medicinal and table water in Uzbekistan. This means that the company has not only offered a high-quality product, but has also been able to form true customer loyalty.

0.25L / dm³

Packaging 12 шт. / 5,4 кг.
Pallet 1 872 шт. / 862 кг.
Truck 44 928 шт. / 20 738 кг.
Container 43 680 шт. / 20 176 кг.

0.33L / dm³

Packaging 12 шт. / 6,75 кг.
Pallet 1 584 шт. / 911 кг.
Truck 34 848 шт. / 20 122 кг.
Container 32 736 шт. / 18 934 кг.

0.50L / dm³

Packaging 12 шт. / 10,49 кг.
Pallet 1 020 шт. / 912 кг.
Truck 23 460 шт. / 21 028 кг.
Container 22 848 шт. / 20 493 кг.

0.75L / dm³

Packaging 9 шт. / 11,23 кг.
Pallet 720 шт. / 918 кг.
Truck 16 560 шт. / 21 183 кг.
Container 16 020 шт. / 20 509 кг.

0.33L / dm³

Packaging 24 шт. / 8,4 кг.
Pallet 2 688 шт. / 961 кг.
Truck 59 136 шт. / 21 218 кг.
Container 56 448 шт. / 20 277 кг.

0.50L / dm³

Packaging 12 шт. / 6,45 кг.
Pallet 1 800 шт. / 988 кг.
Truck 37 800 шт. / 20 838 кг.
Container 37 200 шт. / 20 515 кг.

1L / dm³

Packaging 8 шт. / 8,4 кг.
Pallet 840 шт. / 902 кг.
Truck 20 160 шт. / 21 688 кг.
Container 19 152 шт. / 20 630 кг.

1.5L / dm³

Packaging 6 шт. / 9,4 кг.
Pallet 600 шт. / 960 кг.
Truck 13 200 шт. / 21 200 кг.
Container 12 750 шт. / 20 495 кг.